The ECR Party is dedicated to individual liberty, national sovereignty, parliamentary democracy, private property, limited government, free trade, family values and the devolution of power. These values underpin our politics, including our vision for a reformed European Union

Europe stands at a crossroads and the ECR Party’s agenda for reform has never been more relevant than it is today. Join our movement, and help us advance a Europe – and a world.

European Conservatives
and Reformists (ECR) Party

We are Europe’s leading Conservative movement. Since our foundation in 2009, we have become one of Europe’s most important political movements. With active representation in the European Parliament, Council of Europe, Committee of Regions and NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Party brings together parties committed to individual liberty, national sovereignty, parliamentary democracy, the rule of law, private property, low taxes, sound money, free trade, open competition, and the devolution of power.


ECR Party believes in a Europe of independent nations, working together for mutual gain while each retaining its identity and integrity.


ECR Party supports the principles of the Prague Declaration of March 2009 and the work of the European Conservatives and Reformists in the European Parliament and allied groups on the other European assemblies.


ECR Party cherishes the important role of civil associations, families and other bodies that fill the space between the individual and the government.


ECR Party acknowledges the unique democratic legitimacy of the nation-state.


ECR Party is committed to the spread of free commerce and open competition, in Europe and globally.


ECR Party recognises the equality of all citizens before the law, regardless of ethnicity, sex or social class. It rejects all forms of extremism, authoritarianism and racism.


ECR Party understands that open societies rest upon the dignity and autonomy of the individual, who should be as free as possible from state coercion.


ECR Party favours the exercise of power at the lowest practicable level – by the individual where possible, by local or national authorities in preference to supranational bodies.


ECR Party is committed to the equality of all European democracies, whatever their size, and regardless of which international associations they join.

 News from
 The Conservative

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The ECR Party is glad to announce its latest initiative Europa VIVA to take place ...

Delegation to Madrid
May 17, 2024
Palacio Vistalegre


ECR Party Freedom of Press Conference: Brussels, Belgium

ECR Party Freedom of Press Conference ...

ECR Party Freedom of Press Conference and New Year Reception
January 9, 2024

ECR Party Delegation to Atreju: Rome, Italy

Bringing European Conservatives together at Atreju Opportunities for Engagement for European Conservatives ...

Bringing European Conservatives together at Atreju
December 15, 2023

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