The ECR Party is dedicated to individual liberty, national sovereignty, parliamentary democracy, private property, limited government, free trade, family values and the devolution of power. These values underpin our politics, including our vision for a reformed European Union
Europe stands at a crossroads and the ECR Party’s agenda for reform has never been more relevant than it is today. Join our movement, and help us advance a Europe – and a world.
European Conservatives
and Reformists (ECR) Party
We are Europe’s leading Conservative movement. Since our foundation in 2009, we have become one of Europe’s most important political movements. With active representation in the European Parliament, Council of Europe, Committee of Regions and NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Party brings together parties committed to individual liberty, national sovereignty, parliamentary democracy, the rule of law, private property, low taxes, sound money, free trade, open competition, and the devolution of power.
The ECR Party is glad to announce its latest initiative Europa VIVA to take place ...
ECR Party Culture Weekend: At the Crossroads of the Mediterranean, Cyprus
ECR Party Freedom of Press Conference: Brussels, Belgium
ECR Party Freedom of Press Conference ...
ECR Party Delegation to Atreju: Rome, Italy
Bringing European Conservatives together at Atreju Opportunities for Engagement for European Conservatives ...
Latest from
the ECR Party
Balancing Ambition and Reality
The EU aims for climate neutrality by 2050 through the European Green Deal. This study evaluates...
Impact of Russian Propaganda in Estonia and Lithuania
In the twenty-first century, interest in propaganda and its impact has surged, especially in...
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