Cookie Policy

Last updated: 02.08.2024

Cookie Statement.

European Conservative and Reformist Party.

Version 1.0
Last Update 02/07/2024

This Cookie Statement is drafted and managed by the European Conservative and Reformist Party (hereinafter “Data Controller” or “ECR Party”). The ECR Party has its headquarters at Rue du Trône 4, 1000 Brussels and registered under company number 820.208.739.
Within the ECR Party, the protection of your privacy and personal data is of the utmost importance. In the context of your use and visit of our website (, we may process your personal data, particularly through the use of cookies. Along with our Privacy Statement, this Cookies Statement is designed to help you understand what personal data we collect, why and how we use it.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us at the following e-mail address: [email protected].

1. What are cookies?

A ‘cookie’ is a small text file that temporarily is placed on your computer hard drive or mobile device memory. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. Cookies allow us to identify the device you use to visit our website. They may also be used to help us personalise your online experience.

2. The types of cookies.

Various types of cookies exist. They can be distinguished by their characteristics and functions, as well as the duration they remain on your computer or mobile device.

2.1. How long are cookies stored?

Cookies can be stored on your computer or mobile device for different periods, depending on the type of cookie:

    • Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser.
    • Persistent cookies remain on your computer or mobile device for a longer period and can also be used during a subsequent visit to this website.

2.2.Why are cookies used?

Strictly necessary or essential cookies are required for the functioning of the website. They allow you to navigate our website and use its essential functions, enabling us to provide a requested service or functionality.

Functional cookies ensure the proper functioning of the website and ensure a faster and more efficient user experience. They are used to enhance your experience on this website while saving some of your preferences.

Performance or analytics cookies collect usage data from the website. This is done to improve the content of our website and further tailor it to your preferences.
Profiling or advertising cookies enable the website to send you personalised advertising messages.

Social media cookies allow you to share content and/or web pages on our website through social networks or other websites. The ECR Party website may implement so-called embedded elements from other third parties, such as LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. These are used to integrate social media into the website via plugins.

3. Which cookies are used on this website?

In accordance with current legislation, the use of cookies requires your prior consent except for necessary or essential cookies. Therefore, apart from this exception, we ask for your consent before placing cookies.

Cookie Domain Purpose Category Storage
__stripe_mid This cookie is used by Stripe to manage and secure user sessions during online transactions, ensuring a smooth and secure payment process. Essential 1 year
__stripe_sid This cookie is used by Stripe to manage and secure user sessions during online transactions, ensuring a smooth and secure payment process. Essential 30 minutes
_fbp Used by Meta to deliver a series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers. Profiling 3 months
VISITOR_PRIVACY_METADATA This cookie is used to store the user’s consent and privacy choices for their interaction with the site. It records data on the visitor’s consent regarding various privacy policies and settings, ensuring that their preferences are honoured in future sessions. Essential 6 months
XSRF-TOKEN This cookie is written to help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks. Essential 2 hours
_GRECAPTCHA Google reCAPTCHA sets a necessary cookie (_GRECAPTCHA) when executed for the purpose of providing its risk analysis. Essential 6 months
m This cookie is generally used for performance and optimization of payment processing services, facilitating caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster. Performance 1 year 1 month
YSC This cookie is set by YouTube to track views of embedded videos. Profiling Session
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE This cookie is set by Youtube to keep track of user preferences for Youtube videos embedded in sites; it can also determine whether the website visitor is using the new or old version of the Youtube interface. Profiling 6 months
Ecr_party_session This cookie is used to manage the state of the user session. This includes logging in and keeping a user logged in while browsing. Functional 2 hours

4. How to manage or disable cookies?

Essential and functional cookies cannot be modified as they are necessary to ensure the functioning of our website. The information collected through these cookies is anonymous, making identification impossible. For other cookies, you can decide whether to accept certain cookies or not, by changing your Cookie Preferences.

Another way to manage the installation of cookies on your device is via your browser settings. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer. You can also delete already installed cookies on your device at any time. If you choose to disable cookies, you can do so for the browser you are using:

Please note that if you choose to decline cookies, you may not be able to fully experience the interactive features of the ECR Party services or website.

5. Transfers to third parties.

Two types of cookies should be distinguish:
First party cookies are cookies that the ECR Party manages and that are specific to our website.

Third-party cookies are cookies that are managed and placed by a third party. These cookies guarantee that specific information is sent to third parties when you visit this website. These third parties may gain access to specific cookie information, e.g. in order to offer you personalised advertisements or to collect your feedback.

6. Changes to the Cookie Statement.

Due to constant technical, legal, or commercial requirements and developments, the ECR Party may amend this Cookie Statement. We will inform you, accordingly, considering the importance of the changes that have been made. You may find the date on which this Cookie Statement was last modified at the top of this Cookie Statement.